Purchase Guidelines

Simple Purchasing Steps:

Please take note that our shopping cart will be coming soon.

Step 1: Choose your favourite products from our list of clothings by just clicking on the products images.

Step 2: Select your desired size and add them onto your shopping cart. You will be directed to our Order Page.

*Shopping cart will automatically refresh every time u add or delete any item from it.

Step 3: Verify the product description you have selected and fill up the quantity amount in the box as shown @ Order page.

Step 4: Confirmation of the summary of all the items you have chosen tally.

Step 5: You may proceed with the payment by clicking the button "Go to payment".

Alternatively, you may choose to proceed back to our main page and carry on with your online shopping.

Step 6: Follow the procedures onwards to settle the payment.*We will request for your personal particulars and choice of payment.

Step 7: After submitting the order, do remember to save a copy of your order ID number.

*This is mainly for verification purposes to prevent any choke-up.

- A receipt will be sent to your e-mail.

Step 8: You will receive another mail within another 72hrs regarding the status of your order and the designated account number which your payment method as stated in the order form is supposed to be made.

*In cases where you never receive our e-mail within this period of time, do kindly send us an e-mail or call us for enquiries.

(Attention: We will attend to all orders made with care and efficiency. In addition, all personal information and particulars of all customers declared are kept confidential.)